Thematic maps

Ortofotomapa (TrueOrtho) i zdjęcia ukośne Łodzi
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Orthophotomap (TrueOrtho) and oblique images of Łódź

The OBLIVIEW application combines various data acquired through photogrammetric raids and provides, among other things, the ability to view and compare this data, both current and archived. Available in the application are: orthophotos – 2021, 2019, 2017, 2013, 2009, 1989 oblique images – 2021 and 2013 3D city model – 2021 LIDAR data – 2021 and auxiliary layers:… Continue reading Orthophotomap (TrueOrtho) and oblique images of Łódź
Mapy historyczne Łodzi
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Historical maps

Maps of Lodz from 1823, 1827, 1828, 1910, 1917 (Jasinski), 1929, Litzmannstadt Ghetto 1940-1944, pre-1945, 1946, 1894-1896 (Starzynski) inserted as background of current city map. Published thanks to the cooperation with the State Archives in Lodz. “Plan of the city of Lodz” from 1945 has been added, which actually shows the state from the mid-1920s with later additions. The… Continue reading Historical maps
Mapa turystyczna Łodzi
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Touristic map of Lodz

The map shows the most important tourist attractions of Lodz with thematic division into industrial Lodz, historical Lodz and others. The map also presents the delineated area of the cultural park of Piotrkowska Street, which was created to preserve the cultural landscape and the historical character of public spaces, monuments and the urban layout of Piotrkowska… Continue reading Touristic map of Lodz
Ortofotomapy Łodzi
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Orthophotomaps of Lodz

Orthophotomap is a cartometric, photographic image of the terrain resulting from the processing of a set of aerial or satellite photographs into an image, presented in the appropriate mapping, supplemented with verbal information (e.g., names) and symbols (e.g., the symbol of an airplane in an airport area). An orthophotomap edited for display on a monitor screen is sometimes supplemented with layers that… Continue reading Orthophotomaps of Lodz
Zieleń na terenie Łodzi
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Greenery in the area of Lodz

Greenery in Łódź is a map that is the result of the first stage of the City’s work on the inventory of tall greenery located within the administrative boundaries of Łódź. The information collected on the map relates to the number and type of trees and shrubs and has been plotted in the form of points corresponding to individual trees or clusters of… Continue reading Greenery in the area of Lodz
Mapa funkcji społecznych parków i skwerów zarządzanych przez Miasto Łódź
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Map of social functions of parks and squares managed by the City of Lodz

The map shows public facilities located in green areas under the city’s ownership. With regard to the functions performed, these facilities can be divided into those dedicated to physical activity (e.g., sports fields, courts, skate parks), aesthetics (e.g., fountains, flower beds, sculptures), social life (e.g., barbecue areas, toilets), play (e.g., playgrounds, sledding infrastructure) and nature itself (natural monuments). In addition,… Continue reading Map of social functions of parks and squares managed by the City of Lodz
Rozkład przestrzenny zjawisk społeczno - ekonomicznych
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Communal Revitalization Program

The maps present analyses of problems and potentials regarding social, economic, technical and spatial-functional phenomena presented against the background of the city’s structure. They were prepared in cooperation with the Revitalization Office based on 2015-2018 data provided by external entities. The data are presented as a grid of hexagons of 10 and 3 hectares.
Koncepcyjna mapa wartości gruntów łódzkich
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Conceptual map of Lodz land values

The map was developed by spatial interpolation using the inverse distance method (IDW), which is based on the assumption that the value of the trait under study at a given point is dependent on the value of that trait at the nearest base points. The study for each year was based on several thousand base points where the variable under study was… Continue reading Conceptual map of Lodz land values
Mapa gminnej ewidencji zabytków
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Map of the communal register of monuments

The map of the municipal register of monuments, made in cooperation with the Office of the City Architect, shows objects, historic areas, monuments of history and historic urban layouts. The map also shows the recently delineated area of the Piotrkowska Street Cultural Park, which was created to preserve the cultural landscape and the historical character of public… Continue reading Map of the communal register of monuments
Rowerowa Łódź
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Bicycle Lodz

Bicycle Lodz is a map that provides detailed information about the infrastructure for bicycles, in particular the course and type of bicycle roads. It was prepared at the inspiration of the Normal City Phenomenon Foundation. Information was collected in the field by volunteers. The Foundation is responsible for the content and updating of the data. Comments and suggestions should be submitted… Continue reading Bicycle Lodz
Łódzki rynek mieszkaniowy – poglądowa mapa cen mieszkań
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Łódź housing market – overview map of housing prices

The Lodz Geodesy Center presents another graphic study depicting the state of the Lodz market for residential apartment properties. The data come from surveys conducted by real estate market analysts, employees of the Lodz Surveying Center, and concern free-market transactions of purchase – sale of ownership rights to residential premises located in multi-family buildings, both on the primary and… Continue reading Łódź housing market – overview map of housing prices
Mapa akustyczna miasta Łodzi
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Acoustic map of Lodz

The Acoustic Map of Lodz characterizes the acoustic climate of the city globally and is the basis for the preparation of the environmental noise protection program for the city of Lodz. The result of the strategic acoustic maps and the acoustic conflict map developed in digital version is detailed information on the location of areas where permissible… Continue reading Acoustic map of Lodz
Mapa hydrograficzna i sozologiczna Łodzi
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Hydrographic and sozological map of Łódź

The hydrographic map of Lodz contains detailed information on the course of open sections of the network of watercourses (rivers, canals, and ditches, excluding roadside ditches), location of water occurrence areas (divided into flowing and standing waters, specifying wetlands in the form of permanent and temporary wetlands), and location of topographic objects and water facilities related to surface… Continue reading Hydrographic and sozological map of Łódź
Studium uwarunkowań i kierunków zagospodarowania przestrzennego oraz MPZP miasta Łodzi
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Land use studies and plans

The map, made with the cooperation of the City Urban Planning Studio in Łódź, shows the main boards of the study, as well as the areas of accession to the preparation of the local zoning plan and the areas of plans in force. Clicking on a highlighted area displays additional information, including the content of the City Council resolution and the content… Continue reading Land use studies and plans
Obwody wyborcze
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Voting districts

The map presents a layer of precincts, electoral districts and electoral commissions. It allows residents to locate the precinct to which they belong and the polling place where they can cast their vote.
Plan miasta Łodzi
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Downloadable city plan of Lodz

Plan of the city of Lodz to download as a PDF file (A0 format sheet). The plan is current as of November 18, 2022. It contains basic data of the city’s geography and is used for illustrative purposes only.